
www.beats4monster.co.uk of detention house j

Guy, triangle drawknife is suffused with blue s è of tile, whet a point the long-handled screwdriver of head, two Chinese foot halfs grow of yataghan, the air inside immediately upsurges an ironware the special rust flavor.
Fighting is imminent.
"Make what?Walked into a to help a person again and had 2310, each horizontal eyebrow Shu eyes, one leading the way covers with a coat, the side walks the side Rang Rang the way write, is exactly the green noodles monster of detention house just.
The green noodles monster also knew just that Cuan Duo in the city center rose many small influences, taking Phoenix first would have operation.The blunt sky of cannon is one dead, there is Xinjiang in city center help of become number of, solemnly have the evidence to replace.The green noodles monster wants to come over first to explore breeze to living naturally and see ensign son to go toward where the side pour, anyway Phoenix will here is that need not considered.Green noodles monster today dress is very tidy, still sprayed many perfume on the body, spotless mirror in the big hall also has no his hair very clear.
"You is this to make what?"The green noodles monster was by hand pointed out to order one big cluster of rascal, and then tooked a look red will:"How of no use you are!Can towarding the nv private also pull out knife?Aren't you still keep aring not the Yes?"
A big cluster of rascal knows he is what Cape s è, all Pie Pie mouth, the king too very and more sneers at again and again.
"Is red the elder sister Be free?"The green noodles monster stretched out a hand, very passionate.
Being red would don't move.Just so many people Qing guy Shi, red compromised is this iceberg similar facial expression, now still is so.Who all know, she will never be frightenned silly.
Suffered coldness, the face of the green noodles monster up still keep being enthusiasm of the one face, he rubbed to rub a hand, "ha ha, red is incognizant elder sister to me?However I at in of time must luckily elder brother Pao take care of."
"Need not."Being red will smile and stretched to go out, red will of hand Wen Run is like y ù.
"How does that go!"The green noodles monster also smiled, his hand absolutely was unwilling ch ō u back.
"Do you also want to come to divide a Phoenix meeting?"Being red will pick to pick the eyebrow m á o.
"Who say?"The green noodles monster fills with righteous indignation a ground of Rang Rang way:"The day of the An he big Ye!This is who is fabricating rumor?"
"Really can not see clearly?"Is red Pie Pie mouth way:"Is difficult don't become you is come to protect something to help for us?"
"Is red elder sister you are again getting wronger!"Green noodles monster thief Xi Xi the ground smiled to smile, he it happened that head, a hall is many to walk to big class of set neighborhood, once dragged along a greatly depend chair with back, the green noodles monster comfortable comfortable kept on sitting, leisurely and carefreely at sponge leather cushion up twisted to twist body.
"You speak that" is red to say:"I listen to!"
Green noodles monster suddenly positive way of s è:"As the proverb says, the boon of drop water be flow out spring to mutually report!I a little bit ex- days is looked after by elder brother Pao, he drives crane now the west went to, I wanted to solve for him naturally cares at home!West the site of the city so big, perhaps red shine on a person of elder sister also and see not, rather from I on behalf maintain west the site of the city and south city, wait until you had formal successor, I finish Bi again to return!"
"Shine on to looking at?Return?Eat the thing in the mouth you can also vomit?"It is red to touch Za this a few wordses.
"I the green noodles monster have been being to speak a trustworthiness and weigh feelings heavy sense of honor, red how to say so elder sister to me ……certainly, we can't maltreat red elder sister, the member in every month, as long as you opened mouth, we didn't can not do it!"The green noodles monster says.
Being red will haven't talked, opposite a help the dry skeleton in the rascal have already cannot helped but scolding:"Put the dog of your Niang smelly fart?"
Dry skeleton this is from the Phoenix will the Pan leave of person's horse is the on the contrary the most worried, if don't lend this son tornado d à tonight the ng is even Phoenix meeting, who know future meeting what the son of Mao E.
"What's the matter with the gold finger dry skeleton brothers?"The green noodles monster roars with laughter ground to ask a way.
"You he mama's appetite is also a lot too big?"Dry skeleton sneer way:"Do you take our city center for paper paste?"
The pickpocket helps in the Yin extraordinary talent to die to declare to escape from a Phoenix meeting for two days of Xun, but doesn't know when and has already become person's horse of city center.
"Dry skeleton brothers, this words you spoke amiss."The green noodles monster smiled a stand stand hand:"We are always all brothers that esteems highly your city center of, I think that you are the good brave fellows that iron beats, the Bang Bang is hard!"
The green noodles monster this words inside has much of ironic meaning, who all know the city center is tallest what to produce is a small white face, very hardly also only one mouthful white tooth.
"That did you just are what mean?"The dry skeleton sneers at to walk to the green noodles monster of front of, the body in Fu.
His crying need at king too very the in front display for a while, now then the green noodles monster in sky somehow or other became soft persimmon in the his eyes.
"Is positive because I see you Be getting taller, so my preparation also wants to raise."The green noodles monster took out a to clap 54 bright pistols of jet black Cheng at big class of on the stage, the glass table's top of big class of set is clapped to together put the turtle line of the form of sh è.
King too very ch ō u cool spirit, heard that other Szu-cheng have already started using firearms just before, it is unexpectedly true to have never thought.
"Think our green Long Tang not equal to nine cents the half hall is simply?"The green noodles monster smiles an idea, I want to tell everyone,www.beats4monster.co.uk, and you are getting wronger!Being wrong to get is fierce.This gun is the special product that Qing Lake turns a Long county, 54 hull sons, beat 64 bullets, I have three, how many did you take?"
"Satisfied your mama ghost!"The dry skeleton also stopped, the in the mind tabor knocked, on the mouth still the vehemence is roaring:"Do you dare to open fire?Green noodles monster you dare to open one gun, autocracy your boy!"
"You try!"Leaped in eyes of green noodles monster the murderous look of northwest hurricane sort.
The king has no useless talk too very and took out to hang in the whistle on the neck, the sad and shrill whistle in a twinkling rings out.
Big m é n the step of the outside a burst of Fen lu à n from far and near, approximately 180 shape are tall and big in stature, big fellow with murderous looks all over the face the n outside bind smoke and dust from the m é and hurtled into a big hall inside, several big fellows for leading the way, carry to long-handledly make a pound of iron ball in hand, directly smash of glass big m é n, glass scraps four splash, on the marble floor of big hall roll out well far.
But the this kind of people stares blankly again at there.Because basically didn't open hostilities, they waited for of order originally be carry on a thermodynamic power support of, still very peaceful now.
"Two Yes!"The Ba Ye stood out:"You don't make first by yourselves!Ascend this Niang skin of be!We come to is to solve a Phoenix meeting first today, don't give° the proper business to hold up, tidy up this small Niang skin first, how we divide booty can discuss it later!"
"Day!"The king clapped to clap the brain m é n too very:"How did I give° this Chi to forget."
"My doesn't matter."The green noodles monster disdainfully smiled to smile:"We are green Long Tang today big head is take firm hold of, this spoilt daughter of a rich family, we still really don't put in the mind."
"That still waits what!"The Gang bell b ā ng son of the Ba Ye handle knob inside a flick:"Everyone together up, first even today here, knock this all of a few crafty pimps legs to fold, chase this small Niang skin round, discuss it later to divide booty not late!We these small characterses also want to drink some bone soup!"
"I a long while ago once said."Hasn't been opening mouth of red will talk:"Your stem don't eat excrement?"
"Small b!"The Gang bell b ā ng sub- a head of Chu of the Ba Ye handle knob inside at marble ground at up, marble drive 40 catties of Gang bell b ā ng sons hit a profound cave, the stone scraps of ground crack a leap old Gao:"I don't chase your day Chengkong University today issue of blood, I don't call Ba son!"
Ba Ye at these human face front is don't dare to claim to be Ba Ye, his form of address self-educatedly changes Ba son.
"Yourselves come."Green noodles monster near arrive depend in the chair, raise to have cross-legged.
"Ha ha, " king too very the y í n smiled to also let a part:"You top, kill j ī needless cow knife."
The big gang is a big gang, by this time bowl off water dog, there is the identity to lose oneself, and unavoidably have linger effect, the king thinks naturally too very and the green noodles monster is an idea.
Ba Ye Cui vomit Mo, the Gang bell pole in the handle knob wiped to wipe, after death of the rascals is also a stupid y ù to move.
"Small b!"The Ba Ye scolded a sentence again.
Is red the u of ch ō the back Yi wear of Feng steel Tang Dao, knife body one Hong autumn waters, up and ambiguously has ripples to roll over, after death of the younger brothers eagle eye wolf attend to and looking at a clear to keep near rascals of cruel as predatory animal and general b ī of Zhangs on all sides.In their eyes only one regiment is blood-red already thoroughly burnable in the their body.
The station that dry skeleton one speech doesn't deliver is in one side, he is inside still a little bit afraid red will.So gave up frontal attack, anyway thought that show off persons get more tonight BE.
The situation is very disadvantageous!Is very disadvantageous!The enemy's number is 3000%, red will know tonight and be fierce to much Related articles:

