
Beats by Dr Dre Pro to cripple shadow sh

After getting into a castellan mansion, Mo Sang's introducing first is again some main officials, then did some circumstances of the south Dian county at this county city what this worked for a while to make collective report.
Finish listenning to making collective report of Mo Sang, cloud's soaring to pour is very surprised, the revenue from tax of this south Dian county isn't unexpectedly small, have 1,000,000 gold coins annually.
"Mo district magistrate, for management of affair, I also not too understand, don't want to understand as well, so, lead two nature and men send personal help you went, when the time comes, you what is up direct heel he ji ā the o treat, he will say with me.Still have, you can seek some experienced construction workers for me, in plentiful Chang noodles in the west of town 50 in or so place, set up a village for me, I want to arrange some people over there.The words of concrete location, lead for two days I will elaborate on with you.As for want the fee of hu ā how much , you make people be a budget, when the time comes, I will chase this part of money first first to you., These worker's numbers had better seek more some, I want to settle of person but have several thousand people!"
"Okay, all right, descend an officer this carries out and estimate two can seek a person together."
"Is that line of, you back bottom first, what is up, I will spread yours!"
Cloud soars a point to nod, then will public hold to back.
Chapter 391 silver sum raises father
This castellan mansion is really not small, after holding and backing Mo Sanging, cloud soars and then takes public stroll to have this castellan of mansion, after all, how say, this is also regarded as him later house!
The whole official residence covers to about have or so 2,000 square meterses, it is a to absolutely calculate up****Park.Only, it soars cloud to feel some hate an idea of BE, this castellan mansion is previous of the oneself"brothers" unexpectedly inside all worth money things almost took.In addition to those products that fix product and bigger piece, the inside almost didn't leave what valuable thing, even connect some bottles in the saloon also be all taken away an empty.
"Black piece, this official residence is greatly big, but how look like an empty city.Empty d à ngd à ng of, have no a little popularity."
The park of hu ā hopes this empty d à ngd à ng official residence, Yang Da Dun Mo nv has some helplessly say.
"Ha ha, also good, so have no with them what relate to, hereafter of is all own, also need not was worried about those people to come back again to press for debt.Hey Hey.Cloud son, the business of this official residence you come to be responsible for, you first foolish here, match Mo district magistrate, and, in the words here, at the right moment can also remit with three grandpases to match.The time that waits their ownerses to all move to come over, can also they are some conveniences.Tomorrow, I have to die forest to one with little devil, after, probably also return to Long Gu with him.Believe, before should be able to rush through back in June.Wait the affair here steady settle down, if you the words what stuffed can also return to Long Xiang first to reside self-discipline and work well preparation for the arrival of total finals."
Cloud soars lightly a fragrant shoulder of hugging Yang Da Dun Mo nv, saying of equanimity.
"H'm, I know!"
Yang Yun but also have no to say more, just silent nod in response to the way.
Ties up Mian, the second day for a night, cloud soared to then leave south with little devil Dian county,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, keep to death forest core district fly but go to.This all the way, the little devil is also breathing to completely release, plus it that the gold of as long as 50 meters original shape dragon, almost have no what the small evil monster that don't open eyes dare to seek their troubles.
Once wore all the way from the death forest outer circle district, got into second floor district, close behind, have no three, then have already got into core district.
Can only cherish, after cloud soars them into core district for a day, then ran into a thing that doesn't open eyes!
A head of is up to an or so ape person of 20 meters to sign at the hilltop on, direct toward air of the little devil throw an a piece of huge rock within few tons and blocked their to the road.
This'ape person'the h ú n body m á o hair is like steel, the m á of the sum overhead o hair silver light flickering, the double arm ties up to round seven colourful veinses of one circle, but bottom up is also a generally huge tail is like the leopard tail.
"Eight rank the evil monster-silver sum raise father!"
Was very not easy to avert from that huge rock, at see arrive under that'ape person'of shape after, the little devil can not help exclaiming 1 as well.
"What raise father?Does Lao Tze still earnestly wish it not to raise!"
Cloud soars to don't understand of question way.
"E ……eldest brother, raising the father is that the big ape person's name below, the real strenght of this guy at least is eight rank highest point, calculate up is an evil ancient monster, no wonder that this guy don't buy Lao Tze's debt."
The impish wry smile is a , explanation way.However, the body is to pull out again Gao several hundred meters.
"E ……so strong?We fly a little higher have to not?"
On hearing is eight rank highest points, originally also want to soar with cloud of the its Dou one Dou, there is in a twinkling and then no temper.
"Eldest brother, you think that I don't think!Depend, also come true of!"
In this time, several diameters more than two meters huge rock like shell general, fiercely toward the body j ī sh of the little devil è but go.Like always all awake in the little devil under, body form quickly on twisting, this just averted from those huge rocks that fly sh è down.Only, stand at impish back of cloud soar but is almost don't drop down.
"Depend, the arm dint of this guy is still true he the n ǎ in ǎ i terror, little devil, don't entwine with him, walk quickly!"
Cloud's soaring is also a big Hai in heart and hurriedly drink a way toward the little devil.
Under of the silver sum's raising father to seem is to see little devil, they want to escape, the double arm almost has no deadlock of, with once the hand grasp a nearby huge rock, on jilting, then change into cripple shadow sh of a way è to Gao Kong.
The rock faced thus and closely, big of O.K. avert from, however, those words that are smaller, have already had a several to shoot body, although also can not die, such as mosquito Ding general, very suffered.
This silver sum's raising father is an evil ancient monster, although the little devil is emperor's clan in Long Zu, can shake to shoot some evil monsters of low rank, for raise father to say, basically have no of function, again say, this silver sum raises father one eye then judge, at present of the gold dragon only just followed to become adult just, if can get its evil pit and the ng blood of j ī , so the oneself canned absolutely directly turn formation achievement, get into nine rank evil monster.
Is exactly also such, this silver sum raises father this just tries very hard to of wanted to give° the little devil to bomb dow.In fact, this is also the affair with no way, it doesn't have flight ability, also worry slowly up one-step of words, be flown by the little devil to walk, that really cried all too late.
Like in raising the hilltop of the father placing silver sum rock innumerable, this just can allow him to make it being taken as weapon it not exert.
"The wall of the earth!"
At this time, get empty in Gao in of cloud soar but is to basically can't be of help, only give impish of the 1 F of outside Du defendoof light dizzy.With the burden that eases it.
But the little devil is also Zhang Kou to spew out a way scorching hot breathing, shot to that continuously the j ī sh è come up of rock.
"Bang, bang, bang!"
The whole sky spreads to put like the smoke hu ā generally brilliant colorful.
"The eldest brother put together with him and depended!"
It is a thick impish skin the r ò u Cao to round, also drive those huge rock to bomb have no a temper.Is an of emperor within Long Zu, the last ghost how to endure this hatred, even if this silver sum raise father is an evil ancient monster, that again how!Huge body has toward under swoop but is bottom.
"Depend, little devil!"
Cloud's soaring is also shocked, originally also think countercheck, but also too late.Once the right hand turn over, a gold with flickering golden light needle has already appeared at hand in.
"Shua ……"
In this case, cloud soars also and has no again polite, nine line energy in Long Zhus inside the body have been already revolved and flow out into a double the arm, then, once the right hand jilt, one the whole eye j ī sh è but go.
"Roar ……"
In this case, that silver sum raises father to indeed as expected stop throwing rock, however, it is the huge rock that raises a cake of to weigh up to 56 tons directly Be signed to top of head on, impeded to live cloud to soar a sh è come down of those 36 road Gang needles in the sky.
"Bang!Bang!Bang ……"
Hear huge rock up be suffused with to deliver a burst of golden light, that the gold needle being whole unexpectedly has no accident all sh è at rock on.
And this time, impish huge body has also the swoop arrived the crown of head that the silver sum raises father on, the double claw is suffused with to send out one capitalization s è ray of light, direct kept on grasping toward the double arm that the silver sum raises father.
With the little devil this gold saint dragon that almost has no hard not the benefit claw of Cui, Related articles:

