
Beats by Dr Dre Pro encountered such a

With inexhaustible strong vitality world ,so they can recover as soon as possible .relationresultWiththe Xiangliu devils in animal forms ,into the black hole ,the hole is closed ,and Shi potian ,Kong Ming and stone as they still look at just the black hole appears where ,for a long time .
But they also know that to Kong Yu is sure to be a long time to come back ,they now also only to practice ,not ascended to heaven ,Beats by Dr Dre Pro,then good Dao waiting for the return of Kong Yu .relationresultKong Yustepped into the endless dark hole ,looking at the endless void is not immediately fly forward ,but running mana floating in the void ,to observe the surrounding circumstances .
When Kong Yu originally ,because the body fusion of giant magnetic ,without in vivo mana can fast flight ,but now into the three gaps ,in vivo magnetic have no effect .relationresultThislet hole jade understand this three slit and the earth is not at a time ,it seems that this communication with heaven ,hell and the human world world gap is an independent space ,it is because of this, Kong Yu in the fusion to the in vivo magnetic ,have entered in the three gap lost action .
relationresultIn fact,Kong Yuxiang is not wrong ,this gap is not only three communication heaven ,hell and the human world ,and are the three center ,three around ,the endless gap around the middle, only to found a community channel ,can leave the three apertures ,into all walks of life go to .
relationresultInthe three gap in the strong wind blowing ,like a sword, if ordinary people, into the three gap sure it will be a strong wind tore it into pieces ,but for the practice into nine to fourth turn realm hole Xuan jade comes is no impact, Kong Yu the protective Gang gas will that unit, the strong wind barrier in vitro ,simply will not come near hole jade .
relationresultLooking at theendless void ,Kong Yu to the devils in animal forms Xiangliu and asked , do you know how to walk ? Kong Yu this is the first entry to the realms gap, nature is not know where is the road to heaven ,so that for the three Xiangliu and devils in animal forms ,but Kong Yu did not think of is ,the Xiangliu and devils in animal forms are shook his head .
relationresultTheXiangliu in ancient primitive aspect when there is no the three gap ,the gap in the ancient gods wish after the battle ,the primitive earth shatter ,several ancient big together can create the three slot to communicate realms ,so the Xiangliu nature is not clear which way to go ,and all the devils in animal forms it is in the underworld in ,this is also the first to three gap, so it is not clear how to go .
relationresultSeethe Xiangliu and devils in animal forms are shook his head ,Kong Yu is also a shocked ,he thought they know how to get it, the result is who do not know how to walk ,looking at the endless void ,hole Yutan a sigh of relief ,then toward the front face fly away ,since has entered the three gap ,can go back ,do not know how to go ,then a little bit of exploration well .
relationresultInthe three gap is also a very strong vitality world ,so Kong Yu does not need to worry about their own mana drained to complement ,and he and Kyushu tripod so connected, even now leave China Kyushu Kyushu tripod ,but contact is still extremely closely ,Kyushu tripod can also everfount for Kong Yu delivery vitality world ,Kong Yu need to Kyushu tripod time can be arbitrarily call Kyushu tripod .
relationresultA way forwardto fly ,four speed is fast ,blink of an eye is flying on 10 thousand ,only tens of thousands of miles in the three gap is but just a small step only, in which tens of thousands of miles in hole jade they only through a planet ,only but the planet is no life, no life .
relationresultFromDevils in animal forms there know ,this world the gap of the planet are ancient prehistoric fragmentation after pieces, like the earth, but the difference is in the face of the earth has a Terran colony ,so has the nature and protection ,and the planet is no Terran ,so these planets are just some pieces .
relationresultJustnot certain also, because the ancient primitive boundless, Terran throughout the day ,who also don in the beginning was the first when broken ,that a primitive fragments into planet will present the terran .
Of course ,these are not Kong Yu interest ,he just flies forward ,looking for the way into paradise .relationresult , relationresultThe 258th chapter the remnant , relationresultThreegap in some only darkness and the endless stars ,look around a flashed across the planet ,hole jade busy to stay in power ,running forward flight ,and the Xiangliu and devils in animal forms are also follow behind Kong Yu forward flight ,four people on the way forward in this silence ,the endless darkness already forget the existence of time .
relationresultBecausedon which direction is the direction to the heaven ,they can only be like hole jade headless chickens run around ,but devils in animal forms that the three gap leads to heaven and hell where there are special vision, if encountered such a place ,they found the place .
relationresultThreeslot communicating is heaven ,hell and the human world ,but hell and heaven is the same between heaven and earth ,so even when they enter hell would be through hell to heaven ,but we will have a lot of trouble ,after all hell so heavily, who can not enter the only really if ,at last words ,Kong Yu is not in any way .
relationresultKong Yuis also not known how long their flight ,it is besides the mana drained when stopped practicing .Besides, hole jade they are in forward flight ,and this seems to be no end to the general three gaps ,whether they fly long, are still the same scenery ,endless darkness and countless the stars .
relationresultIf it is ageneral one ,in such an environment ,not to say flying forward so long time ,even if it is here to stay a little longer may be going insane ,but Kong Yu and the devils in animal forms Xiangliu ,four are your firm ,so it also is can withstand the torture ,toward the front continued to fly .
relationresultKong Yudoes not know how long the four flight ,the flight ,but on this day ,they pass a huge star when it is felt the breath of life ,this makes Kong Yu they are stopped ,in which three gap they have flown for a long time, after the star too many to count ,but it never felt the breath of life ,but did not expect today was the breath of life appeared .
relationresultThis is ahuge star ,is estimated to have ten times the size of the earth ,and they are not only feel bore jade on the planet with the breath of life existence ,the planet earth is very strong vitality ,but also has some very strong in flavor ,also seems to exist a real person of xiu .
relationresultInductionto the information, Kong Yu although the heart in a hurry ,looking for the entrance to heaven ,but it is also shown enough interest ,after all it seems never end world gap rarely has a planet is the breath of life existence, and flight for so long ,they should also have a rest .
relationresultKong Yusaw the planet have self-cultivation after existence, is felt to the real person of Xiu to inquire ,perhaps the real person of Xiu can know the way into paradise is Related articles:

