
beats by dre solo r behind look tow

The theater at two or three hours .Pick up the five or six team, five began to dry up the old tricks .relationresultHave to say.This approach is very simple ,direct and practical !Although there is a lot of game player was Xiao Hua hands ,Xiao Hua the team name is on the opposite faction in the game player has been widely known .
But as long as it is not been being the game player ,is always difficult to resist the enemy may exist ,go to see ,after all, keep is almost home .relationresultSo Xiao Huaand they are happy madness picked up life ,then at two hours after .
When Xiao Hua kills one, after the game player .Legend magic edge seal property ,the digital fierce jumped to persuade !relationresultThe system prompts: The Legend of magic blade seal property to remove the seal condition .
Please confirm whether the lifting of the seal ,the seal property ,attribute unsolved after .2 will not be able to lift the seal property !relationresultHow Unique war a few people is a hideaway waited for a long time, and have surrounded him and asked .
relationresultOkay ,is manually released, .relationresultSmall andtwo first attribute ?Temporary is not cumulative number of killed Xiao Hua yellow collapsing four ,but also with the legend of magic blade cut ,this is very good .
There is a saying on a hill much in case of a tiger .It is one hour later, Xiao Hua finally is deep mysterious to know the meaning of this sentence !relationresultWow ,a big game ,* * 10 .
Run away ! When Xiao Hua again they did the same .In a defensive front not far from an ambush ,prowled Xiao Hua suddenly see the front appeared at a draught of more than 10 ,team !relationresultRely on ,we are surrounded, behind also has fifty or sixty people ! Unique war they subsequently also behind Woods found the enemy .
relationresultThe kite ,ready to battle Angel blessing ,and they fight ,can kill to kill off .No more gain a few anyway have double card battle ! Xiao Hua sees this ,know that they are finally overdid it .
Despite the other was provoked ,in a short period of time to get out of the team more than 100 people ,it is not on the left and right sides of those who may not have rushed to the game player ,and now there are many people here ,but more than hundred people number !relationresultSee ,you hurry over mining ! A few people that killed thousands of people ,even the dying .
Don the slightest disadvantage ,but want them to fold one ,is not possible !relationresultA lot of people ,it looks like more than fifty or sixty ! In this short time ,war is matchless them hiding in the woods in the far behind ,look towards their search to the European game player team saw the number seems to be increasing ,seem to come back !relationresultBoth sides have ! Chopin solo was very good look to the left and right sides of the distance .
Distant woods appeared in her figure !relationresultWow ,if the kill them is developed ! Match B very optimistic period with .relationresultHey ,I can keep a lot of anger ,later with a sky to give these guys have a look of anger ! Unique war listened, but hey hey laugh .
relationresultHow much anger ? Xiao Hua listened to is a joy .With his unique war raging sky mix ,plus Chopin solo them, break through fifty or sixty blockade or can do it !relationresultMagic point !The use of supernatural power to add to attack .
To accept battle Angel blessing ,attack directly ,sacrifice ,hey hey ! Unique war is very excited chuckle .Because encounter enemy is not too bad .Xiao Huatai is allergic ,autoimmune attack is not low .
Unique war on the battlefield has not used the anger ,down for several hours ,but also store up enough, fall point .At this time it is a handy !relationresultOh attack?Angry sky ?relationresultChopin soloand match is being at a loss what to do ,don people to speak Arabian nights !Angry sky this skill on the battlefield, unique war is still not used one ,two of them does not know ,as far as the attack ,because Xiao Hua is too strong ,unique war usually occasionally eye-catching performance, or even seconds ,but the two people really don no war will double such a high attack .
relationresultBefore butnot curious time ,listen to Xiao Hua two tone ,as seems to be able to break through siege .They also do not want to hang here, he carefully listened to Xiao Hua arrangement !relationresultThat These people ,must not let them get away, please be sure to deal with !What must a destroy this several ,man arrogance ! Former side over the encirclement .
A Blonde Bob said man serious .relationresultHe must not expect we will unite in a concerted effort to deal with him .So many people ,he definitely can ! Not far away ,another game player confidence .
relationresultIn order toperinatal left Shaw Huayi Group ,but they spent considerable effort ,even let a person to keep office .With their nerve paralysis of Xiao Hua .So as to strive for enclosing time !relationresultXiao Hua is naturallythink of Europe Zhejiang area game player is actually playing the hand ,before he is not seen in a game player to come, but most also with respect to three or four people only, not now posing as hundreds of people team !relationresultButthey also made the deployment of Xiao Hua .
Kite. His staff ,war Angel blessing instantly falls in several human head !relationresultI took your attention moves time ,war is matchless !Your note with kite ! Xiao Hua personal escape is not a big problem ,but one escaped is meaningless ,now it out, either to kill several people !relationresultXiao Hua commanded.
Build flash ,toward the back surrounded him European game player rushed past .relationresultThe fifty or sixtygame player see Xiao Hua figure, immediately shouted : is he found !The mage fast attack .
The others stopped his way ,don let him go ,this one is very fast ! , relationresultFive or sixout of ten mage ,almost fifteen or so .In the human voice .The magic is omnipresent in Xiao Hua fell down !relationresultThe firstand more .
Ask the ticket and ticket !relationresultThe 233rd chapter crow mouth , relationresultSo manymagical drop down, if it is, thousands of blood is just a moment !relationresultIn factthe European region of the game player each watch so much magic Xiao Hua gripped therein ,one by one .
Is take pleasure in other people ,such as Shaw Huahua do white death .relationresultBut they seeXiao Hua on red flash .All the magic is lost their effectiveness, only some hit Xiao Hua bows initiated a number of physical damage ,and these physical harm is pitifully low .
Don be startled at the is ,twenty or thirty melee game player quickly shouted a gathered !relationresultWith the speed of Xiao Hua,nature can not be they trapped !Body such as a torsion numbers even loach .
A large group of people look at the magic of Xiao Hua from their sight ,cheap beats by dre,around to the behind them ,they to behind the priest !relationresultHeremost of the game player is tasted Xiao Hua badly ,know when he approached, estimated only by seconds !relationresultArcher attack !Archer attack ! Although it is only a moment ,but Xiao Hua is bow injury thing or escape so many game player .
Immediately someone shouted archer shot !relationresultThe grouphas ten archers ,in the cry ,neat towards Xiao Hua sends Archer various best skills !relationresultXiao Hua saw,not by is a sigh .
Decided to limit the use of force !Although it is a bit early ,but no more ,I no chance !Although he now physical defense in the battle Angel blessing is extremely high ,but once these skills hit .
But not only is injured so simple .But will always be behind melee on the clash .relationresultXiao Hua on thebattlefield ,never used ultimate force .relationresultSeveral dayshave not used, then out . Related articles:

