
beats by dre solo by the name of Lan

Very loyal .relationresultPacificDragon Emperor next, begin said , all the people have complained ,but did not express opposition ,only ten evil stars ,the arrangement that don ,because the ten evil stars is a surface clans ,power minimum ten person ,so Ying insects their things ,they are not directly participation ,in other words ,they ten evil star positions ,belongs to the swing state .
, relationresultLongfeiasked , so you take the first ten evil star ,punish someone as a warning to others ? , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor satisfied Longfei reaction ,praise a nod, said , yes ,at that time ten evil star ,the character most irresolute and hesitant ,is the old ten ,dragon demon star .
, relationresultLongfieldwas amazed and asked, to create a dragon continent creation the Dragon? , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor nodded ,and said , yes ,at that time, he founded the Dragon mainland ,is to rely on the dragon in the continent of the believer in the force ,let him in the shuffle ,can occupy a space for one person .
, relationresultLongfeisuddenly think of it ,initially in the Luo Bendao ,he saw those tales of image ,to the dragon in the establishment of dragon continent, have not had time to establish their own beliefs, was a great black chain pulled a bit plane .
relationresultUnexpectedly,so the strength of the creation of God ,even just the lowest ten evil stars old ten ,so these planes ,the real strength ,how strong ?Dragon heart not by a moment of fear ,cheap beats by dre.
relationresultThe firstis Ying insects ,although the strength was down to just like evil stars as the strength ,but actually motionless is a surface as a game ,and the Taibai ,namely Tianma Dojo five martial god of the encounter ,their next how powerful the enemy ?relationresultFeisaid , then ,when the Dragon God created the dragon China ,take him to the chain, then what is it? , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor surprised to see his one eye ,he didn science should have been to the spirit world, he always thought of science is a common dragon fighting Saint just, with their help ,only gradually repair business .
relationresultHewas ,and then said, you said but heaven from the cloud comes out the chain ? , relationresultLongfeinodded ,Swire Dragon Emperor replied , it is a chain ,is just what I was .
At that time, I found that not only he ,and other people ,has violated the law of private planes ,create a surface ,in order to get strength of faith ,both in the short term to enhance their own quality ,so ,I would have created a chain ,will they one one arrest .
, relationresultPacificDragon Emperor paused, continued, so ,ten evil star became the first world games people agree with me ,then ,I used the same method ,one one tame the big dipper and five martial art God et al .
, relationresultLongfeisuddenly asked , what is the big dipper ? , relationresultUntil now,science has not yet met a big dipper ,and too long Wong each just on their name has been mentioned, but there is no in-depth introduction .
relationresultPacificDragon Emperor deeply look Longfei ,said , the Big Dipper ,is the seven woman ,and they ,in the world game ,because to win more times, so ,they now ,should be a new generation of bit plane authorities ,according to my estimate is right, will you now as pieces ,it is one of them .
, relationresultFemale ? Longfei sudden surprise ,his mind ,now think of one ,Lana ,if the Big Dipper is a woman, then Lana is one of these ?relationresultThinksmall and Lan Na grew up together bit by bit, suddenly feel this speculation is not science ,and if it is the Big Dipper ,then Lana ,hidden in too deep .
relationresultLongfieldwas asked , the Big Dipper ,whether there is a person called Lan Na . , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor surprised look at longfield ,said , the Big Dipper ,and there is no one by the name of Lan Na ,but only in the fantasy ,I feel a dipper .
, relationresultLongfeiface one, you mean ,there has been a big dipper in our sight following us ? , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor nodded , not just ,when I just * * when I recall ,in very strong Bingfeng ,also feel her breath ,it seems ,is from the little monk who convey .
, relationresultI quit ? , relationresultLongfeifeeling now things seem to have a train of thought .relationresultPacificDragon Emperor said , well, the monk is definitely not the Buddha who ,river Luoshu is Buddha artifact ,but disappeared in the Buddha has been a long time, I remember correctly ,river Luoshu should in young hands .
, relationresultLongfeiquickly came up, looked at the Pacific Dragon Emperor worried and asked, have you said ,who is young ,what she looks like ,what characteristics ? , relationresultIsnow very anxious to determine what Lana ,is it right? The big dipper .
relationresultPacificDragon Emperor although not understand Longfei so worried ,but still truthfully answered , love ,is the Big Dipper ,ranking seventh in the Alkaid ,her divine rule should be fire law .
, relationresultFire Law? Longfei brow pick ,he suddenly thought of Lan Na, the fiery red crystal nail ,re young ,but a hot body . , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor said , you know love ,yes ,the Big Dipper ,young body is the best ,especially the chest ,gee ,I see a dragon will greatly ,ah .
, relationresultSince then,Longfei has seventy percent sure ,Lana ,is too long .The mouth of the Big Dipper ,Alkaid ,young .relationresultToolong the this time, were also identified , yes ,I come to think of it ,in the tales of the divine breath ,just have the little girl .
Fei ,you exactly and Alkaid have what relation . , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor this problem ,put ;TAPPI also there ,yeah ,now Longfei brain ,much confusion ,the Lanna ,wrong ,is young ,what is their own side of the show special preference to the Lanna ,or himself seemed to be the enemy of love .
relationresultBetween the two of them,what is the relationship ,it may have to see young ,can understand .relationresultBut this time,Swire dragon Huangshen hand, said , well, what else do you want to ask ? , relationresultLongfeishook his head emphatically ,he temporarily Lan Na things out, like now, just wasted his brain cells, he determined to be all things ,in this time ask be crystal clear .
relationresultAnd then what ,then your plane between clans again after all what happened ,why Ying insects ,Taibai ,right, and Ann channel et al ,will appear in the castle maze as guardians ,and you, and why was sealed ,who sealed your .
, relationresultPacificdragon emperor appears to be expected Longfei to ask this question, a cold look said , when it comes to Gemini ,which has a great story ,Gemini ,you have clear ,a total of two individuals ,one is the master of the life principle of Ying insects ,another ,is the master of death law security channel .
, relationresultLongfeinodded , yes, I also heard that Tongling Ying worm mouth ,heard the saved my security channel ,was once the Azrael exists, then to human life ,why now turned into and death struggle pharmacist ? , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor was unfortunately ,said , the first ,the two ,is now with opposite personalities ,so that be subject to changing moods of Ying insects ,at that time, really the most peace-loving ,Gemini ,was the first to lose the chess . Related articles:

