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Yao accident.
"Quiet elder sister seems to was in Dutch!"Little Zhao Ku wears a face way, he is naturally just a driver of duty, sees be clipped tightly by two for-rent cars before or after and also knows to is what circumstance.
The car head of Toyota overbearing silver grey s è has been already transformed, the windshield also becomes some distortions, the engine cover swells up a cake of be like have a swelling.Soon came down in car from the rent two figures, the front rents a car of the figure is Gao Da Dun very much, with open widely a cow to pour is have a put together.Behind of seem to be weak many, see appearance is also a nv person, be dressed in whole body white the feather Rong of the s è take and see a not pure face.
"Quiet elder sister how does?"Small sees a high big man dynasty he or she come over here, immediately panic absolute being, plea for help from Chen Jing way.
Chen Jing is to a little bit deliver Meng and wait until a high big figure to walk to small front of of time, just respond to come over.
Little Zhao Yi Ge aroused to work properly to press just going to draw a long breath of time .That Gao big of the man have already walked to car window beside, the one punch pounds into pulp a hard car window, the glass falls thick and fasts in, small also pours at driver up.
The crowd who around round a view originally thinks to is to rise a common traffic accident and sees this backstage just suddenly realize, the person who even have took out a cellular phone to prepare to take.The crowd of X City's rounding enthusiasm of view will be higher than national and whichever place, even if a little bit order danger is also no matter regardless of.
The nv person whom the white s è feather Rong takes is covered a face by the long hair, from the clothes in take out one pole be sawed short of hunting rifle, see also unbearable the glass aiming at rear row buttonned up a trigger.
The glass is ground to get is like a snowflake, the nitric smoke fills the air medium round the crowd of view thoroughly silly eye.Immediately someone screams 1 and rounded the crowd of view to spread for an instant clean.
Blood the every drop answer from the car m é n of run off, white dress nv person the blunt big fellow self-confidently beat a V word signal, the jumping up of benefit Suo for-rent car sailed out of the room.Thus near distance next, the short tube hunting rifle evens if beats in the belly,BE good enough to fatal.The iron filings of stroll will stir the organ in the belly into one regiment, the big Luo gold fairy can not also save a time.
In misery of unusually lucky, the self-confidence of the cutthroat didn't bring her glorious results in battle.Chen is quiet to shrink a body to go very intelligently in the split second that the cutthroat opens fire, even if is so, the white dress nv cutthroat wily and with a downward exposure of the gun muzzle still beat a leg that Chen calm down the blood r ò u misty.
The Yin extraordinary talent goes to hospital to see wrap mummy similar Chen Jing, just a strength of ch ō u wear smoke, could not say a words.
Chen Jing sees Yin extraordinary talent no longer so decadent, the in the mind is very happy, don't think to let again because of oneself again Yin extraordinary talent afresh from throw from leave.
Hence is strong to support smiling face:"I nothing important matter, you don't also worry too much."
"Is sorry!"The Yin extraordinary talent is formally very much of apology way:"These day pain you, now Phoenix meeting ji ā the o give me!"
"Do you want to open hostilities with them?"Chen Jing is how sharp, immediately realize what the Yin extraordinary talent wants to do after returning:"You can wait black tail, do they come back to say again?"
"Need not!"The Yin extraordinary talent chocks to death cigarette butt, stays to calm down to Chen a figure:"I am a Yin extraordinary talent, have all right already my one individual!"
The Yin extraordinary talent is to talk like mountain, haven't waited black tail this helps a war regression, he has already started cleaning to have west the order of the city.
He one seek last is that to help Xinjiang the person.
Person in Xinjiang does in recent business in the X City very red fire, there are severals well done of, have already opened to have an Islamic hotel, the pasta regiment does to have positive Er eight through of owner, sell Xinjiang of having the orthodox school big dish j ī and orchid state to pull noodles, stick a to slip away on the wall of Mecca pilgrimage diagram, the large black stone lets on the appearance a lot of come to have a meal of the X City person don't already feel suspicious.West city a few Xinjiang of street noodles of main trunk highways roasted the u stand of r ò to also become weather, west the night of the city chill is up ordered to start to splash by person's oven in Xinjiang of the Mars attire of abnormality glitter.
The Wu wears the Yin extraordinary talent of piece green s è soldier coat to a person alone ride broken-down bicycle and shuttles but leads in the lights lousy Man place, he likes to ride the felling of bicycle very much, that felling very special, let him have return to childhood of that kind of felling that indulgence.The aroma of the sheep r ò u that person in Xinjiang roasts to make, attraction he again and again turns head.He finally cannot helps but stopping at one before roasting the u stand of r ò, the sheep kidney of 50 dollars, have kind learn kind of tore to bite, the blood of sheep kidney didn't completely solidify and ate meeting every drop to answer of follow Sai to help to downwards flow, the very wild success personage generally and all inside has a kind of pursue wild x ì ng of impulse, Yin extraordinary talent is also.
He eats very pleasingly.
Roast the u stand of r ò is also a lot of places that the floret ruffians like to patronize now, a to at night is also.Rascal turn there is all a kind of Qian rule in the son, the rascal mostly has fun in the place in the net cafe and song and dance hall, KTV and play tired is person in Xinjiang's stand up eat a point to roast, drink to order hot wine Noan-noan.This X City person has been a tradition, is no matter much weather of chills, on the stall always the person Be full to bring trouble, seem the hot cold ji ā is at this o for in just can feel a happiness.
After beat Yin extraordinary talent and appear and roast the u stand of r ò at this up, gradually a lot of floret ruffians of eyes points all recognized he.Everyone each other uses look in the eyes order of sequence for a while, hurriedly ringing it uping the owner who walk person's stand is a Wei clan that grows bushy body m á o big fellow, he has a little oddness, how peacetime Yao five drink six, like a little crafty pimp who boast the oneself legend career how one by one slippery feet?The promise big stall finally remained 1 are chewing to roast the man of sheep kidney, the Wei clan man canned not control feelings ground to see more that man's several eyes, and he felt that that man grows to have to be strong and a lot of than general bean sprout similar Hahn people.However compare with him, the Wei clan man satisfiedly tooks a look oneself to grow very black body m á o, Wei Bo similar and robust arm, the corner of mouth raised the smile that a silk satisfies.
"The eldest brother that you take care of at?"The Yin extraordinary talent finishes eating, greasy the finger getting fed up with hang in the Wei clan man the o towel of m á of the side of oven up wiped to wipe, the slightest didn't give the meaning of money.
"Not at."The Wei clan man isn't smooth used a Chinese language answer way, he has already felt to be getting notter in the right.Finished eating the Yin extraordinary talent of sheep kidney, what to show unintentionally was mutually the rascal of full face now, Wei clan man to this kind of rascal that eats to finish overlord's meal mutually memory very still new.
"Seek him."The Yin extraordinary talent is getting better the bicycle, a bottom sits at a wooden bench nearby up.
"What matter do you have?"The Wei clan man has a little hostility, his hand doesn't aware of self of press is along with carrying of small short knife up.
"Is quick go to, tell him me to call blunt cannon in the sky."The Yin extraordinary talent saw Wei clan man, the look in the eyes in a short instant became elephant one handle ch the ā is in iron label son on the sheep kidney, very hot Liao person.
Wei clan man didn't obviously and never once hear this name, he bit ascend a Mo river cigarette, squint to looking at Yin extraordinary talent,beats by dre uk, he at hesitant.
"Nothing important matter you first just roasted u money of r ò to knot."The Wei clan man stretched out a hand.
"I am to come to accept a debt, also want to money."The Yin extraordinary talent smiled.
"Do you want to come to blackmail?"The Wei clan man sneers at repeatedly.
"These two wordses I don't like."The Yin extraordinary talent starts to move half side bottom, from the Wei clan man of of the cigarette case inside ch ō u of center of palm a Mo river cigarette, the Diao arrived inside in the mouth.
"My patience is very limited, you must cogitate."The Yin extraordinary talent ch ō u is a match, have old feet ascend on wiping, the light of fire Liao jumping up wore cigarette butt, the tobacco flavor of the Mo river cigarette mightiness a while Qiang get he cough.
"You knew to also have elephant before you the person like this came to lead and once listenned to their end have no?"Presented on the face of Wei clan man 1 kind to disdain.
"This I pour not to know and say to listen to."The Yin extraordinary talent comes to fascination.
"All sent to hospital to give first aid and lose oxygen."The Wei clan man embraced arm and compared to row to lose an oxygenous shape for a while, his beginning have a little impatient.Hahn people are still true bothersome, put us that is humiliated so, a long while ago the ch ō u knife Tong you, the Wei clan man wishes a way.
"That do you hear that the end that helps Xinjiang the person that is one-time over the X City has no?"The Yin extraordinary talent points at his/her own tip of nose to say, " stem's running their is me, everyone started calling my elder brother Pao at that time!"
"Have never heard."The Wei clan man comes up an one step and prepared to tidy up the crafty pimp of this poor mouth ruthlessly.
"Pa" a frailty rings, Yin extraordinary talent on clapping jet black oil bright pistol in the table, Wei clan the man is at present a black, immediately short 1.
"Have never heard total the understanding pistol?"Yin extraordinary talent Related articles:

