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It but get into his body.
Slowly in response to hero not only the external injury is very heavy, and the organ in the body also suffered from serious wound.Zhu Si fully use about a hours just cure his wound 7788, but although the wound cured about,the wound also needs nourishment and takes a meal to resume physical strength, this is also Zhu Si how don't are two reason that beg to go out they tonight.
"Now should be much better?"Zhu Si its oneself after adjusting an interest a period of time becomes overdo to Xu in response to hero's way.
"Thank!If I didn't guess wrong you to be the first?"Slowly use him in response to the hero that is tiny slightly orotund way.
"That's right, you compare that what Chang-an want intelligent get many, he simply didn't believe me in the beginning.Your current task is to eat more some thing and resume physical strength by quickest speed, tomorrow evening this time I come to think a way again to save you to go out, to, what Chang-an at you next door of front that building in, but till tomorrow's this time you can not expose the wound on the body, either already greatly like, still must lie on the bed."Zhu Si's its teachings.
"This you trust like, I how still know to do, I just very oddness were you how to come in?"Slowly in response to hero the face at this time eliminated swollen,google, although have some to transform,can ast least recognize pure he.
"This etc. will you knew, I came in of time enough grew, I walked right away now, see you tomorrow."Zhu Si gives a smile, with use true the spirit guard a gate to open and leave Xu in response to hero also heel Chang-an similar open widely mouth over there make not get voice.
The Zhu Si original road returns, O.K. at in don't shoot the thing of the type of being like the head, he is in this building just break through a little to on duty two cave spirits in the rooms with the true spirit just and calculate good time and lead again for several minutes they will wake up naturally.
Although affirmation will have a doubt oneself how Mo Ming wonderfully sleep past, if seeing all of iron gate everythings is original appearances should can't panic.
Indeed as expected such as Zhu Si anticipate, be he just once jumped the wall of jail,Facebook, those 2 people longly have been already waked up.
"Suzuki, just what happened matter, seeming us are two to all sleep in the past" Xiao farmland, this matter didn't want to report to the top, if what matter miserably!"The way of the Suzuki.
"You are silly, go first to see a circumstance, be like to be on guard here so severe how may go wrong, you didn't want the funds in this month BE?You this."The Xiao farmland scolds a way.
"Walk, see a circumstance together."
When 2 people cautiously inspected two iron gates didn't discover to have the trace to open, the lock also locked very goodly, must be good as usual, Xiao farmland this just on clapping the shoulder of Suzuki, "leave, you are suspicious!"
Zhu Si has no Xi to have far at this time, after his feeling knows 2 people's dialogue and activity, this just returns to the car that oneself steals there, chase car start, again press original road open return to, even the car also all arrived an original place and all resumed the whole circumstances of car to original kind, Zhu Si just leave to return to his/her own hotel here.
At this time the host of that car because report to the police their own cars be stolen, is getting a police to come over to inspect the spot, be he see his own car unexpectedly put at first, surprised get gape, the end doesn't care how he defends in a devious way, the police also told his make false report leave case, fine money 100,000 yens!That car owner person's looking at his/her owning car is really desire to cry to have no tears!He swears hereafter even if the car really and again threw to also no longer report to the police, which afraid is oneself to see someone to drive away his/her own car in own in front ……
Zhu Si literally bought a few clothes on the road after returning to, in addition to ownly returned to what Chang-an heel slowly in response to hero also each bought a set of deep color of, literally ate a point after returning to a hotel the thing returned to room to wash a Zao, the dish is sat right away the bed raises dint inside the interest, he just in the jail give Xu consume while curing to harm in response to the hero of really annoy very huge, in his prison building adjust an interest just meet an emergency at the time, on the bed revolve 108 week, diva just feel true spirit all came back, and still had increment.
Two days Zhu Si was a medicine store first to buy a point nutritional product, he knew what Chang-an heel slowly in response to hero at in affirmation can't eat edible seldom hungry possibility all very difficult more be not saying nourishment.Now then the sky is very much an evening whether his physical strength is abundant, rescue to oneselfs if they succeed to influence.
In addition to these things, he beats a rent car, know feeling that putting is the biggest, it lets to rent a car be turn everywhere inside the city, set up for one to appreciate scenic appearance, in fact he at look for to what Chang-an heel slowly should outstanding come empress of stop for a rest a point, originally the matter like this hands over to the country in week even all right, but for relate to the business of oneself Human body safety, Zhu Si still kept believeding oneself most .
When the car arrives the edge of city, Zhu Si made him round an edge to become a big turn son, that of when private's driver see account joyful flutter of number on price machine his mood also obviously upsurges.Occupy to have no a seeking of matter Zhu Si its chat, make Zhu Si be very anxious to to grip to die him, so as not to he bothers his own feeling to know.
But 1 turn turns down amount of information still very big of, Zhu Si discovered several ten houses that the nobody lives at least, and still all quite good, all basically is a villa, have of see appearance is a building lord not at, the furnitures of home all laid by, someone even is an empty house, basic no one once lives, Zhu Si knows with the feeling feel while checking in house someone of the Xi is living of trace, but all of great majorities are what nobodies live, had idea in his heart at this time.
He lets the car park the car at a large supermarket doorway, after buying large numbers of foods heel drinking, beat a car to arrive a city effect, arrived a target building front Zhu Si got off, because know inside nobody, and the surroundings is also empty,cnn, he openly defiant actly walks in the past, arrive once hand in the doorway stretched to lock bore, the front door echoes but open, if someone sees on the side, affirmation think that he was taking key to open car.
Zhu Si puts the thing to the upstairs, if has the type of ground floor of put a ground floor, he buys of the thing is enough 34 personal food and drinks are all right for three days.Afternoon, the Zhu Si same affair did four times again and like this had already had in evening to him five stop for a rest to order at the time, if is the whole as usual, even if they at outside hide for half month is also some matters all have no.
Zhu Si takes the clothes buying yesterday to without extra trouble open again in the evening the car get to that jail an outside and got off after stopping is out-of-the-way place to one the car, the path keeps going to that jail.
Almost with same route same skill, that Suzuki heel Xiao farmland is also after equally sleeping in the past, Zhu Si arrived at what Chang-an of room, at this time what Chang-an come and go to Zhu Si freedom have already become accustomed to.
"Today rest how must, eat O.K. here?"Zhu Si depends on frame in the door to smile a way.
"Want to be not you come to try, under rice here root not, just would not° until go out this hold a nose to vomit a belly because of the evening satisfied!"What Chang-an way.Say person already door.
2 people put a light step, before bending the body to arrive at slowly in response to the hero's door, this Chang-an and finally saw pure Zhu Si its skill, be just even if his eyes Zheng must again big he is to don't see understand.Because Zhu Si's its hand basically didn't touch that door, his hand at lock once the bore position put, that lock automatically opens, Chang-an and strongly wipe eyes to see whether oneself is getting dimer in vision or whether the action of Zhu Si too slow, didn't oneself see clear?The end still carelessly followed him to go in together.
"Slowly in response to the hero, can walk?"Once Zhu Si go in and slowly stood right away in response to the hero, he had been being dressed in clothes to lie on the bed first-class the arrival of Zhu Si.
"Should be all right."Slowly in response to the bed in hero, walk several step.But Zhu Si sees him walking gait Lin Shan still, seeing to the wound of body didn't°yet good benefit Suo, but can walk very good.
"That good, don't again delay, go out together with me right away."
Zhu Si right away way.
After waiting their 2 to go out, Zhu Si again very carefully chase door pass good, so the person in the jail discover Chang-an with slowly escape in response to the hero should on breakfast time in tomorrow, if they are still like common that be on duty of words.
Follow Zhu Si, it comes out all the way, slowly in response to hero is also to Zhu Si of don't already open lock method surprise, but because is that he just has never opened mouth to ask in the jail, just all the way his eyes as long as being free and then having been staring at Zhu Si, it opens the right hand of lock, want and discover that he exactly has what secret tool, open a lock unexpectedly compare take key to open Related articles:

