
cnn hair lets for the Yu

But turn to read to thought of from already under of the monster compare with Ma Er Si of come to seem and want to differ some, momentary kid's heart greatly rises, also chase from already under of monster tail again reformation, make he also ability constringency from such as, in addition again integrate a to chase nine with the true dollar dint temple Xuan the sword is in the tail of this big monster and wave along with the tail and receive and dispatch from such as.
The Ma Er Si sees this, a stare blankly under,cnn, thought of from already one protect big stick of body, besides which, which have Liu Jia Shen on so many method machine treasure things, unexpectedly embrace from already under of the monster cry bitterly a way:"The host of the nobody house of your host are full of, have no money adds more deluxe weapon for you."He under of monster's seeming to be also can make allowance for host very much of poor and envious, also follow to blare Ai to blare, greatly have a desolate idea, momentary main servant 2 people unexpectedly fellow sufferers understand each other, die Ai Zai, unmanageable.
Remaining of Liu Jia's cachinnation, throws Si one handle make track for the soul wolf tooth stick to the Ma Er, Ma Er the Si is delight with unexpected good news, divine power go to, integrate into a bottom monster tail while signing, say with smile:"Not so bad someone gives, otherwise you are again becoming an eliminated monster, Yi, this wolf tooth stick call what?"Liu Jia tells him to call to make track for soul wolf a tooth good, the Ma Er Si listens to an exultation way behind:"Lao Tze likes this name, ah, you hereafter call to make track for soul breeze."That monster contained new weapon, the facial expression became a matchless excitement while signing, just depressed emotion along with once the mood of Ma Er Si sweep but get empty and greatly have the vehemence to again jump into nobility from the civilian, momentary and Ma Er the Si to shake head to sway a brain together, happy abnormality.
Liu Jia and a public score time the spacious place that moves many monsters to the company Lu underground city neighborhood is let by the Yuan because of press 28 stay overnight four elephant methods to is divided into a big open countryside, left green dragon according to east, for clearly positive sky of lead two sorcery teachers, behind keep up with 200 sorcery and 10,000s strange once.The right woman without pubic hair lets for the Yuan according to the west because of lead two sorcery teachers, behind is also 200 sorcery and 10,000 monsters.Ma Er Si and together expect Lu to then is divided into ex- Vinaceous Rosefinch and empress Xuan force, is also each to lead two sorcery teachers, 200 sorceries and 10,000 monsters.Several thousands of flight skateboards that Liu Jia then brings underground city put together to connect and enlarge, rest 10,000 monsters give first half empty, from already and Qi the uncle take two sorcery teachers and 200 the sorcery in mid air formation Wang Gai Di in the sky's swoopses of power, meet challenge to battle at any time.
Along with distance the horizon more and more black, the sky is more and more dark, a pressure with matchless fierce vehemence appears gradually in the public ability field to respond in, all know the huge war brigade of Mo sorcery surname just at to this place depend Rao, the momentary feels a burst of and hard and depressive impulse and fears in the heart of everybody, one decides a company Lu destiny and respectively the combat of life and death will soon start.

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Distant journey
Chapter 1 world greatly acts boorishly

Liu Jia and Qi the uncle take the sorcery and 10,000 monsters to hang to get empty in the half and first see the variety of clear afar the horizon, that Man's postponing into more than ten kilometers even could not see the black of side to become the horizon misty gradually, the very quick earth starts shaking to move, huge and depressed of voice in a row constantly resound in the sky, the owners all feel from already of the heart be generally immediately also oscillating, the moods all become extremely suffered with depressed, in Liu Jia Xin one Lin, that is the other party is 200,000 vibrations brought for running sorcery monsters.
The Ma Er Si waits the person is on the ground than Liu Jia feel more severely, from already under of sorcery monster unexpectedly beginning flutter along with this huge vibration, clearly positive sky of and the Yuan let because of see the black that the distance basically have no limit start to be clear gradually, heart neutral strain matchless, because a pair public in read unanimously, be from already here 50,000 monsters again could not plus 2,000 numbers, compare with the other party 200,000 monsters, 100,000 sorceries and 500,000 be deluded by the witchcraft Zhong after fight the troops who not and desperately constitute to°from the person since the battle, just like at water hurl enter big river big river in, at most also just start to be suffused with some wave to spend.Secretly complain of hard lot a way in the positive sky of heart clearly:"Think the on bed terms machine war brigade beats, how all mentally will be a little more pleasurable again, who know and miscalculated, this at present of war only afraid want to fix to be for old clear thousand years for Be ruined to once."
Both parties' distance is more and more near, the huge vehemence results in invisible pressure, let both parties of the sorcery monster all unbearable beginning roar, one connects a , at last is unexpectedly all sorcery monsters to start putting a roars, at this time sky underground, whole is deafening huge voice ring, owner all drive this huge voice impact wear, the heart also immediately oscillates and even feel the muscles on the face the vibration pull and drag some transform, and both parties add about 300,000 sorcery monsters, at the moment also at mutual of ability field infection under, have a boiling passion, greatly have once losing host to control to immediately would be the Si of flesh and blood faintness to bite to collide with of power.
Liu Jia the emotion in heart change very and quickly at the moment, the distance looks endless of black billow, accompany with to shake the blunt sky of sound of deaf hair Kui, bump his heart shot also get a hideous mess, momentary concussion, momentary excitement, temporarily fear, temporarily vacant, he stares continuously ground to stare at front, the hands fist a fist, not in the consciousness already feel cold sweat from the beginning upper-class arrive cheek, drip into body from the armpit, momentary energy height concentration, all over and unexpectedly become a bit stiff.This together he last time fought a brigade with machine put together kill a dissimilarity, that is at milli- under the extemporaneous circumstance, for saving tower west second, the brains had fever hurtled into all of a sudden, too late fear, too late think more, knew put together kill protected a life.Now but different, this kind of threat that death is an one-step one step to slowly condescend to come at present.The opponent is more and more clear, he unexpectedly feels have while more and more ranning over to come by a kind of vehemence of pound Bo a kind of Tang arm blocks a car of desolate, from already although stand tallestly, can still feel what to face is a fierce matchless giant general, from have already unexpectedly seemed to be to be like a little animal.He feels whole bodies all be shivering.
The Ma Er Si fights small battle to experience an innumerable from cradle to the grave, to this kind of condition pour the slightest don't fear to, but what he worries is from have already pretty much only had of an of war might of god dint, at this time would not° until face 100 to divide 100 war absolute being face of war, see opponent to more and more close to,Facebook, a full sky of rants and huge ability field pressure get close to before the chest directly and quickly, along with from have been uneasy with the rock of the next sorcery monster, the momentary unexpectedly has probably this war will fail of viewpoint, this kind of viewpoint makes him very shocked, although he is also a not ever victorious person, incredibly have the opponent the feeling that can not win before formally opening hostilities, from birth is first time.He has already evolved big stick revivification, a gold color absolute being Ji holds in hand and seem to feel there is some glides in the absolute being Ji, make a scrutiny into for a while, just discover that the sweat that is in the hand is getting tooer many.He doesn't vomit 1 from from the forbidden ground:"His mama of, the meat on the Lao Tze body only afraid not enough these monsterses fill crevice between teeth."Together expect Lu is also a fearlessly not afraid sky guts man from cradle to the grave, but see dimensionless black billow in the front with can not impede of power ran over come, also thoroughly let go of in the heart this war probably beat the hope for winning, on the contrary is not likely to have a miraculous disappointment mindset in 1 kind under, along with continuously read the voice of Dao ground"Amitabha" in the heart, gradually fall calm, see dead if return,google.
Suddenly Liu Jia hears small cloud inside the body in a soft voice say:"Do not fear, you now fear already too late, relax, the mastermind of the most severe the other party once exchanged blows, also afraid of?"One Lin in Liu Jia Xin, and then hear white jade Chan be also loudly calling a way:"Smelly boy, if is frightened at the beginning don't show off hero, you now if have a little bit to step back, the other party three times five divided by two polished off for you, then turned round to return to polish off your that coy princess, everyone dooms together, his mama of, you again so nervous, the old white only afraid is also compensating a life today."Is at the mention of tower west second, Liu Jia Xin neutral an earthquake, whole body top and bottom abnormal sweating exert, temporarily feel body comfortable many, he can in no way let tower west second with company Lu's people drive so terrible strength injure, he can in no way let the tower is western second end to report with the despair and pain and sufferings.Ponder, he lowers the head and by hand dauted for a while the gold color before the chest merit badge, tower the west is second to face before going that kisses to again make him feel a kind of be extremely trusted and expect of touched, hospice in his heart gradually turns round and by hand fondled to fondle under of sorcery monster, ask a way:"Is super old strange, are you frightened, I now already not frightened."It's difficult to is super old strange to send out Related articles:

