
Cheap Beats By Dr Dre e Fan Jian station i

 Chapter 146 ask a gentleman to go into a jar
The Yuan great way struggles awake come over, a burst of acute pain in the back part of skull, he doesn't know that he's body is placed in what environment in, often the year incubates in the career in the hostile influence, let him become accustomed to all the time silent.
Is similar to Wang Qi Nian, the officials who inspects a hospital in fact also have numerous doubts in the heart.His majesty before half year to long princess' his highness began, although the Yuan great way didn't know reason,the Yuan great way inspected a hospital for the first time of so can at half of two-hour period inside grow the influence of princess those clear side on sweeping but getting empty, what to depend on is exactly this so-called letter sun the first to strive for a private.
Make the great way of Yuan is in this half year what to have been doing not understand BE-after that activity, oneself originally should escape from non- byroad career and made according to duty in the hospital and chose the retirement of the ground honour of a mountain green water show, but from don't hospital break out of come after, over there small yard in, talk if the sea makes him answer the letter sun.
Answer the letter sun!
The letter sun that grows a princess strove for a private to by luck succeed in escaping to inspect a making track for of hospital to kill, the according to reason spoke to want to answer the letter sun.But Yuan great way but smelt another flavor from the instruction inspecting hospital.
If thunder-storm that night after, long the princess destine to collapse, always a life time drive You, does that director Chen still shout he or she to answer the letter sun to do what?
Imperial government ……actually is just thinking what?Does oneself answer the letter sun and want to do what?The Yuan great way has been being considering this problem in a few months over there, but when grow a princess easily from such as ground through don't the bodyguard of hospital, to letter after sun delivered his/her own plan, and gradually transfered the ordinary members of letter sun to Kyoto, he finally understood some.
Inspected hospital to know in the beginning from the activity ground.The long princess isn't likely to be completely knocked down, or, the his majesty didn't prepare to make the long princess don't turn over the dint of body always from the first, so would let him this nail still keeps returning to believe sun and waits for growing an invoking of princess.The approach that waits for that a moment.
Like, his majesty go to big east mountain, met to stab, inside in Kyoto disorderly, the prince wants to mount the throne, long the princess contact a military authority to prepare to rebel ……even if long princess at try to find solution big east the bureau in the mountain, don't let the great way of Yuan understand, but afterwards these affair, all of Yuan great ways is in person participation.It is as early as to grow the beginning of the princess' strategy, have already known news.
Seeming oneself should developed to celebrate a country the first spy's skill, but at this time, Yuan great way but frightenedly discover, oneself can not deliver intelligence report to go out, can not notify to inspect a hospital!
Outlet allly for an instant inside expiration, list line contact of bridge absolute being the ghost unfathomablely break, the Yuan great way can not contact speech if sea can not even contact Chen Ping Ping.But his spy of this kind of layer class, more impossibly and directly hurtle to inspect inside in the hospital to yell.
So his complexion is quiet.Heart but is that the surprised Bu is uneasy, he doesn't know to inspect a hospital the inside actually took place what, this kind of uneasy of status, had been maintaining till Fan Jian finally and suddenly and violently but Tu temple, beginning by hand next of the force clean up the objection strength in Kyoto.
Yuan great way the activity that secretly match with to inspect a hospital, let the imperial house whom the long princess temporary resides don't the hospital be attacked and occupied, however he but know, Fan Jian has already made a fatal mistake, so at end that split second.He takes a risk to that officials inspect a hospital shouted out.
He distrusts anyone, but if compare, since the contact don't arrive Chen Ping Ping and speech if sea, in the whole imperial government.He most trust ground the successor that then only have Chen Ping Ping, that little adult Fan.
Unfortunately he doesn't know to bathe breeze son is a how the Leng head of temper is green.So be miserably knocked down by the one punch.
Yuan great way the breath in even Fu, open a pair of eyes, discover their oneselfs real person emperor city on of Cape building in.But his before the body, a handsome young man, just the full face is worried ground of to looking at himself/herself, he knows this person's identity, although not clear the other party why meeting at thus nervous time, lift to review oneself in person, is directly say:
"Zhang Fang is the person who grows a princess."
Fan Jian's point nods, didn't say what, 13 city gate departments get Zhang Fang Zi generally virtuous pure, people of this world so is of morals the pure clear loyal isn't two grounds of persons, unexpectedly is the person who grows a princess, this fact is good enough to frighten owner, but already can not at he already some helpless state of minds up plus too many sad looks.
Talking ice cloud didn't come back, in the hospital be responsible for the officials who see breeze also didn't come back, the city gate takes charge of that to definitely have a problem.
Regrettable BE, this calls great way of Yuan of what person waked up is too late.
Fan Jian in mind sighed an one breath, the color of the sky already near dawn, city gate department fall in Kyoto, leaf, Qin Er Jia,'s battalion doesn't know when go into the city, be this turning point, he originally should unexpectatively this calls the person of great way of Yuan, just looking at those at too very rest ground in the palace big minister, just with full intention helpless of he, suddenly thought of a father-in-law the adult once said to he or she ever in the Wu state of that sentence.
The generation is mutually crafty wood if just, in this present life's party in government hated three, in addition to Chen Ping Ping and Fan Jians, would be the master Qin's son that gets a soldier, but this power opposite Fan Jian hard once said, in his party in government ground pupil cards in the hand, can't give Fan Jian, so as not to the wood is shown to a wood, be blewed down by the strong breeze.
Unless ……the new emperor ascends the throne of.
At present celebrate an emperor have been already lost, Fan Jian helps in Kyoto old three greatly rob an emperor, so those woods in Kyotos send of text minister, just tore to go to oneself's ground and disguise, stand to Fan follow beard two comfortable private of universities carefreely and after death and keep prince from mounting the throne.
Fan Jian in mind thinks, the this father-in-law of oneself cleverness is one a life time, choke to calculate opportune moment is really the most quasi-, just doing not know this will can't succeed.
However the wood mutually and finally say of that sentence, make Fan Jian record ground very clear.
"If in the days to come city in true Be getting more disorderly, probably Yuan the great way is in aid of you."
If wood just as early as year ago, then calculating the big east mountain is one matter, Fan Jian admires to the father-in-law's taste complete prostration, so for he pays of this recruiting son don't also forget.When oneself sinks into a kind of crisis that can not set free, he thoughted of right away that letter sun the first of that long princess' under charge strives for a private.
Indeed as expected have no wrong, this Mr. Yuan unexpectedly inspects a hospital to put in the nail of believing the sun!This fact makes Fan Jian shocked and soon after distresses-if early one step know city gate department of problem, oneself and big emperor's son would not thus passive, finally be still night, this finally be still life ground problem.Own good luck doesn't know to also maintain how long.
Yuan great way the double that stare at Fan Jian eye, say:"Why do I have been coulding not contact inside in the hospital?"Although this words are mild, inside inside but is to not and to the utmost cut up rough, having no Mr. Yuan the inside is big-hearted for the past days, he has long princess precious intelligence report.But can not provide to inspect hospital and imperial government for celebrating country and his majesty ground loyalty, let this Mr. Yuan feel one silk tremendous peculiar, cut up rough thus.
If Fan Jian is silent to hard put a speech, if is possible, he would like to also try and ask Chen Ping Ping in person at this time.
The morning breeze blows into the Cape building of Gao Gao Huang's city, the bloody flavor in last night paring off is gradually thin to go, the flavor of the burnt paste in private house in Kyoto can not smell either what, is just that those people that pitiful still don't dare to go out.The scare thousand times closes a door and hides on own bed and pray these somebody fighting ground game can quicker be over.
Blare……Emperor city on horn repeatedly, voice extremely the male Hun is emollient, not the consciousness enough spreads to how far of place.
Fan Jian station at Yuan great way nearby, complexion equanimity, say:"Fielding teacher in Kyoto would not° until till noon go into a city, Qin Ye Er still needs three days, if we the action is quick, still can take back nine city gates."
Yuan the flash across in eyes of the great way is one silk consternation.Soon after set alight indignant flame, had a fit to say:"Inside in the hospital is unmanned in the fielding teacher!"
A free mind Fan's head a surprised, quickly turn round to looking at him.
The Yuan great way hopes him one word one say:"Qin Jia's troops all through the night open into and leave Kyoto ……only afraid not far."
Fan Jian closes tightly a pair of lipses, the facial expression becomes pale.
Of so know the news revolting city gate department, he also has no fluster, is because he believes that he can touch clearly to old Qin Jia's action, as long as the battalion didn't go to, with lend military power to still betterly forbid a soldier and inspect a killing of hospital to harm dint.Oneself has time to re- take back nine city gate grounds right of control.
Did Qin Jia's battalion then want right away?
Talk ice cloud his Lao Tze in Qin Jia, how may connect the newses that the battalion sets out don't send back!
Fan Jian walks to side in the body of big emperor's son and says:"Withdraw troops temple once, Qin Jia's troops wanted."
The eyebrows of big emperor's son is the wrinkly the tightest.Forbade a big brigade of soldier to just drive an emperor's city, the but again wanted to take back at this time.But because how wasn't an oneself likely to bealso lieve news.But he knows care most at this time of would be the speed of reaction, too late and Fan Jian negotiate what, deeply absorbed an one breath.Let body side ground the close soldier wielded little Huang Qi in the hand.
Huang Qi Yi turns over, the emperor city rises again on the clarion call,Blare……The rhythm gradually rises, gradually tight, just from the emperor the city such as a few soldier the big brigade suddenly smell the horn return to the voice of camp, without previous arrangement at the same time constringency troops, start facing imperial palace of the direction return to Chi.And the afar has already gone deep into private house streets and lanes ground troops, also starts having action.
Fan Jian to bodies side of the inferiority compared a signal, that is a little bit subordinate to nod,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, take out to make arrows from the Xiu, delivered to go out, at emperor the ground air rowed before the city a plaintive and piercing cries.
Is close behind, privy council, inspect this place in the hospital, each Ya place, each vital part street place, all have already broken an empty voice the arrows to ring out, think to respond to.
While falling the arrows in Kyoto of about 2,000 inspect hospital spy the officials smell make but move and disappear at streets and alleys in.
Is different to engrave, ground street in the whole Kyoto on, any further have no shadow of human figure can see, particularly is the that day river big way that has been inspected hospital privy council to keep an imperial palace up, more and desolately make people's heart palpitates, only a few slices leaf that still has blue, drive a night, the autumnal winds tightly blows and falls down, vacillating on the open spaces street.
"No matter the prince is how to know that the news of Tu temple escapes."The Fan Jian station is in big emperor's son nearby, say:"But long princess temple, obviously have preparation, she early guesses what we will do."
The eyebrows of big emperor's son is the wrinkly the tightest, occupy vantage point to look at the whole action of Kyoto, the in the mind analyzes if battalion go into city, which direction should get into, oneself connects down should how do.
"All of our strengths all killed to come in for the sake of the Tu temple ……but she is directing leaf, Qin Er Jia,'s troops, Shi Shi however come in from our beyond control city gate departments."Fan Jian's equanimity says:"She rendered up imperial palace us and rounded imperial palace again to play ……does not this on the whole calculate to invite a gentleman into the jar?"
"I originally think bloom in the stomach, on all sides Ran fire, have never expected this to make the fire burning she didn't, on the contrary drive she uses 1 F yarn I this flower to tie up."
Fan Jian's palm lightly taps the granite brick of emperor city fastness, the You You says:"We finally still kept underrating this aunt."
The long princess knows Fan Jian and inspects the advantage of hospital where, so she willing backed out and let Fan Jian Tu went into a temple and saw control everything.
However at present there is queen mother in the temple and have three emperor son, there is proper expensive Pin rather person's numerous magnates having the beard two comfortable private of universities just, have the innumerable the text minister, subordinate for being loyal to Fan Jian.
These people are strength, can be a burden, if Fan Jian has a pair of wings, that long princess stays into these people of temple intentionally, is like the iron ball on the wing of Fan Jian, he can not without restraint float in the sky.
The battalion rounds city, only afraid also round not to live to be like Fan Jian to go a superior for this kind of terrible night, however you carry to celebrate the tradition of country at present, numerous people's life and death in temple, Fan Jian returns how to escape, are you unfeeling to escape?Descend an order, enter upon to prepare to carry on emperor's city to firmly stand by, prepare all tool, have no surplus of a free mind accompany Fan Jian to every moment chat at this kind of, because he knows, oneself will soon face of, is a how of terrible crisis.
Everything that looking at inside in Kyoto of Fan Jian Mu however ground, seemed to see Li Yun Rui, that beauty arrive the face of extremity and just hope oneself with a kind of vision of Jiao Qie, be slightly saying:"My good son-in-law, I can prepare a lot of things for you."
He went toward the Cui in the temple of emperor's city one mouthful, seem to want Cui to get to the face of the other party up, however he has to admit, own mother-in-law really wants than he or she in these aspect too many strong.However Fan Jian in mind think, if not because those very uncanny reason, oneself's being also unlikely at this time meeting is sat to trap emperor's city.
"Could you guard how long?"He asks a way to big emperor's son.
Big emperor's sub- complexion sinks a voice to say respectfully:"Emperor city wall Gao, if leaf, Qin Er Jia, all through the night raids and has never taken to largely offend city apparatus, I can guard till the last a moment."
Be advertise for the west soldier commander in chief, big emperor's sub- this present life doesn't know to experience excessive little bloody battle, so face battalion to force city, he doesn't have one silk panic.Just the end a moment in this sentence, but have already explained everything.
"Li Yun Rui since and early has this plan, leaf, Qin Er Jia,'s being unlikely don't prepare."Fan Jian lowers the head to say:"I hope that you can prop up more few days and get a soldier to fight, can depend you."
"Prop up a courier to notify everyplace garrison forces and those six road governor of provinces to aid?"Big emperor's son swept his one eye and Don't mention it said:"Die this heart, those couriers are impossibly still on the hoof."
Fan Jian in mind sighed tone and thoughted of:"What I waited isn't those people."
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