
google n Born to a fro

The expansion of some .Also did not meet the tiger .The baby was broken after Dan ,and his tail is only change .Become a class .Long thick .Owl is the emergence of a half grain .With a strange .
This allows natural really understand this beautiful what is a cat species .To watch his forehead half lines .Come to conclusion. The cat was very .In the fairyland commonly known as rare a beautiful cat .
Good g the world singular rats .No wonder the mouse sperm and the cat had an inextricable knot .But today the dead rat and cat is mutually made .Once broken, Dan .Each become immortal .
Born into the past ... ... , relationresultThenhere is two .She became be worthy of the name of the qingluan snake .Dan was broken after the baby ,more enchanting !This is an extreme .
Now she looks stunning .Appearance is completely changed .See you my eyes discharge .Fortunately Birdman is to get .Otherwise, mother of the two met with Deputy beauty .Certainly the gallant .
.. ... Grey mouse sperm odd eyes without blinking, estimation is it touzhuoyue ... ... , relationresultAshodd change afford much food for thought .The dead rat and tender is not the same as .
The beaver turned out to be a really big mouse .There are a pair of small wings .Three fingers ,have similar waterfowl general web .This seems to be the swimming athletes .His hair color can be changed .
This is a strange place to find .His body will change color according to different environment ,different kinds of colors .Like a chameleon .It is a strange big mouse .relationresultWhatexactly did not change .
Or a golden prawn .What was originally ,can be big or small .The only change is ,shrimp shell more yellow ,brighter !A shrimp eyes more bright ,like a pearl in general .relationresultHybridturtle and Yazi has not changed .
But their in vivo similar immortal yuan flavor of a hundred fold .Now the practice is more terrible .Beyond the law of golden immortal .Now two of them are really immortal killer .And can also be of immortals .
Seeds .Naturally suppress their immortal element .Usually they can not fully play the body energy .This is to prevent them from God .relationresultThe young ladyto drink blood changes more bizarre .
She was a huge bat .But after born to her washing .Not only did not increase in size ,but reduced ten times .Into a pocket of the bat .Now she is the more beautiful ,google.In vivo Hao Ran healthy vigorous turbulent .
Now she doesn a vampire .Like the immortal home directly extract the essence of heaven and earth .This is a great progress .Born to a mystic cents extra .Let her for a way of cultivation .
For this she is undoubtedly the grace of rebirth .relationresultThenyou ,nine tail fox beauty is .Dan was broken after baby ,her beauty is really pretty .This woman look ,than evil repairs of the * * to temptation ,Facebook.
As long as her beautiful eyes taking a look ,may be entranced ... ... A pearl is the female fish ,the rats ... ... It has special place .relationresultIn addition,born another reserve Hua Xianzi ,change is big .
Born reversed matrix method .Method to produce the information is .This is Hua Xianzi very nourishing .It will be several thousand years completely compensate for loss .She is more enchanting .
.. ... More beautiful .Now born with magic body can pick the flowers .But it don right ... ... , relationresultUnfortunately,there are white, beauty abalone and consonance are to accompany her ,lost the good chance of promotion .
But happy birthday will do with them reasonable compensation ... ... , relationresultThe twenty-second chapter fearless breaking , relationresultFearlesssitting in the squad, he is the last one to enjoy a happy person .
A round the world the compression energy into his body .He is like a bottomless pit .Always cannot fill .This allows born greatly puzzled .Shouldn so absorbing world energy has three days .
This is the moment to qualitative change .But surprisingly ,anyway ?relationresultFearlessbody with kinetic energy into the world of madness ,emits a strange light .His body is like a sponge ,absorbing the world energy .
His reason is like a hungry wolf children for hundreds of years .Greedily sucking inexhaustible energy .In vivo and two magic weapon in the mouth to swallow .But bully ray cone with Hyun Huang Jian but not directly the earth swallowed up kinetic energy .
It seems that the energy does not meet their appetite .They specialize in smoking fearless body modification of energy .The phagocytic rate almost and instilling speed synchronization .
The volume also very striking phagocytosis .relationresultBut even so,should not be ah !Now the method instilled energy has been to limit ,the world energy difference and common poly spirit array release energy .
Quality is several times higher than ordinary reiki .And fearless adhere to the time to thoroughly broke the previous all beast duration records .This strange phenomenon also let their have revealed surprising expression .
Born to a frown puzzle ... ... He is not worried fearlessly eat too much ,mutate .But I am afraid of fearless can digest got these world energy .At present ,gradually entering blissful circumstances seems fearless .
.. ... , relationresultA dazzling,half a month later .Just eighteen days .Fearless body moving energy changing ?Directly into a faint domineering .It is never seen real element .Hao Ran not righteousness .
Also not immortal element .The true element similar to evil spirits ,but also with Hao Ran healthy atmosphere somewhat similar to .Quality close to Xian yuan .Such a huge consume time ,finally let him have a qualitative change .
Fearless and body completely changed ,no longer emitting white light .Sporadic is a light purple glow .relationresultSuddenly thefearless awake ,he from the deep trance awake turned .Born immediately can capture fearless and his knowledge of God the .
Once again surprised .Fearless now geisterreich reached a hitherto unknown height .He broke his master gave him what ecstasy bird law .It is a deep trance after waking ,immediately break .
Come very naturally. Don join hands ,cnn.Fearless opened eyes, eyes fine shone, as practiced a piercing eye .He stood up ,and begins to appear Ziqi tumbling phenomenon .It appears to be associated with in vivo PA Lei Zhuiyou connection .
relationresultMethodin world energy suddenly speed again ,realize that this is natural fearless guide .These are substantial kinetic energy ,such as the river flooded fearless general method body .
Once you enter the intrepid body ,there is great difference .Immediately into a thin domineering .Joined the intrepid body natural circulation .So far he smoking ?relationresultBut thesmoke and had completely different .
If after the matrix world will be forced into kinetic energy ,his body with high speed .Now he is consciously absorb the kinetic energy .This distinction also has one branch .And the heaven and earth to the kinetic energy of the thick, for the intrepid ,is clearly not enough to see .
The influx of in vivo kinetic energy ,can be transformed into very small a domineering ,into the body .Fearless stand still ,continue eating ... ... , relationresultTo continuethrough eighteen days ,now the intrepid body domineering reached a critical point .
Ha-ha. Fearless Chang Mei laughing ... ... Acoustic transmission matrix in .Stir the array space kinetic energy ,turbulent fluctuation .Born completely speechless .He understood why things would turn out like this .
relationresultFearlessadhering to the big brother taught .Broken and vertical ,with big brother told the little swallow day ,in the law office of practice .This made him benefit .The little swallow day changed the intrepid body really yuan ,become the world origin .
This origin is similar to the evil spirits .In accordance with the fearless really Wu Zong Qigong system practice, combined with the fear itself thin really yuan Yun content ,small swallow day didn change anything, it is natural to give him the main reason .
This method can help him quick plot save aura ,solid body .In this special condition .Fearless with natural manufacturing boundless energy instillation method body opportunity .A complete walkthrough small swallow day method . Related articles:

